Nebraska National Guard Enlisted Association
Where Membership Matters
Why Join NENGEA.org?
Professional Soldiers and Airmen of the Nebraska National Guard should belong to their Professional Association!

NG Relief Foundation
The National Guard Relief Foundation supports National Guard Soldiers and Airmen through grants and zero interest loans.

TriCare Reserve Select
TriCare Reserve Select

100% Tuition Assistance
100% Tuition to a Nebraska State School for serving Soldiers and Airmen of the Nebraska National Guard

Scholarships are available for National Guard service members and/or their family members who are members of NENGEA.

Legislative Efforts
We are currently working on getting DD-214s for all members of the National Guard.

Tax Benefits
Retired pay has tax advantages starting in 2022.
Already an EANGUS member? Update your profile today!
President’s Message
Join us as we address legislative issues that are pertinent to our Airmen and Soldiers, participate in the entertainment and recreation for members, and offer annual scholarships to deserving members, spouses and children of members. This is what we are all about!
Membership Benefits
Financial Assistance
Professional Development
State Tuition Assistance
In State Tax at Retirement
SECURING THE benefits of the Nebraska National Guard
Recent From The Blog
Contact us
Get In Touch
Looking for more information about the Nebraska National Guard Enlisted Association? Contact us here!
4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465